Saturday, March 03, 2007

Finally the 2610

My youngest two kids and I went down to Saint John to see the model train show. On the way to the show, we swung by Island Yard and saw NBSR 3701 and CN 7000 by the shop, and CN 2587, 5515 and 2232 on the shop track at 11:20. 2232 was ready to lead.

CN 7010 and 7079 were idling by Tim Hortons at Thorne Avenue...

After that, we went to the show. It was a great show and I'll blog about that another time.

I received a call that the eastbound NB Southern train left McAdam at 13:35. My source figured it would be 3 hours before they arrived in Saint John as they had a 30 MPH speed restriction due to the recent snow. They would also have to call the track foremen to get clearance through their areas as they were out in force clearing crossings and switches.

I left the show a little after 2 PM and crossed the Courtenay Bay causeway. As I passed over the potash terminal tracks I saw CN 7010 and 7079 running light on their way to get some cars at 14:20. This is unusual - normally CN 305's power does this.

3 minutes later at 14:23 I saw a local crossing Thorne Avenue on its way to the refinery and other industries, with NBSR 3701 and CN 7000 in the middle of the consist. One of those two engines was smoking quite a bit.

I rounded past Island Yard and heard one of CN 305's crew having quite a discussion with the CN diesel doctor. Apparently 2232 was showing a warning about "no air compressor". They did some diagnostic work and the doc eventually told them that 2232 could not lead. I assume 305 went around the wye after that but I didn't stick around - the eastbound was in my sights.

I decided to head to Clarendon and shoot them from up the hill. I could have gone farther up but I didn't want to risk them getting by me when I was out of sight of the tracks. I heard one of the foreman give them permission to pass through at 15:20 and at about 15:35 Tim Dryden showed up. At 15:38 NBSR 9801 East rolled by, with 9801, 2610 and 2317 leading 26 cars. I had the video camera on the tripod and took a number of photos.

We hopped back in our cars and shot them at Welsford Lake next. I just shot video there.

I got to the first Welsford crossing as the lights were flashing, so I shot the train out my side window. The track maintainers gave it an inspection as the train went by at 15:47.

Here's a closeup of 2610 as it went by.

I managed to get to the next Welsford crossing just before they crossed, so I shot this out the side window too at 15:50.

We chose to get them at Lafarge's after that. I love that spot.

One more shot of 2610...

The train had a number of loaded woodchip cars on the head end, including NBSR 874143. Most of the rest were tank cars.


  1. Hi Steve, I see the "new" 2610 quite a bit on the mainline but what's going on with the 2612? Are there still plans to paint the engines all the same as at 2318?

  2. Hi Jody. 2612 is being painted in the Island Yard shops right now. I believe it will be painted the same as 2318. Once 2612 is done, 2610 will receive the same treatment.

  3. I hope they fix the number boards a bit better than the 2610. I've not been very close but the numbers look a bit crooked to me!

  4. hi steve. likeyour pics.
    i work for emr. so i get to see
    these units at work atlot
    i stay at the bunkhouse alot at
    mcadam.. worked at lot on the
    aroostooksub when it was still in
    enjoy theweek ..keep snaping pics.
    ill do thesame.

  5. Hi clawbar, thanks for your comments. I see from your profile you're planning to retire next January - good on you!

    You must have had a lot of work this winter on the EMR with all the snow and rain we've had.

  6. Hi steve,
    your pic of the westfield..its the mrt tie inserter. bought new by cpr and
    inherted by nbs/emr. not sure if my
    other comment went thru. use to
    run this machine for emr. they
    bought a new mrtx in 96 and a new
    tie inserter last year.

  7. Morning Steve.
    Not sure if i asked your before
    if you had known Bruce Nett.
    he was the photograper and editor
    of the canadian atlantic railway
    news paper. and founder of the
    fort fairfield railroad museum
    He also was a friend of ron grant
    from st. john..ron was into the railraod model club..
    enjoy your day......clawbar

  8. I don't believe I ever met Bruce Nett. I have heard of him.

    I know Ron Grant very well.

  9. Hi Steve. Got your messasge.
    getting ready to go to Vanceboro
    broght the brushcutter down from
    St. John Thursday..nice trip.
    had to wait for the east bound to
    arrive at McAdam before i could leave for vanceboro..Ive been putting alot of my pics ive taken over the years on dvds and given them to the guys on the railroad.
    I dont get to take much pics between mcadam and st.john..i see a few of your i like and was wondering if i could put a few in my dvd for the boys and to hve one to hang up on the wall at the bunk house..Id pay for them .I likethe one coming of the bridge at st. john. I got to make one up for bob nason at macadam.. If you like to have one i be glad to give ya one. i put music with it...mostly boxcar willie...ok.. steve. enjoy the day...clawbar

  10. Hi clawbar, feel free to use whatever pictures you like. No fee required. Thanks for asking first. Email me at if you like.


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