Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Web site statistics

As a web site owner, I have access to more data and statistics than I can ever hope to digest. Most of them have no bearing, anyway, as I'm not doing this for profit but for a hobby and to provide information. I will share a few statistics with you, just for (my?) fun.

In the past month, has had 3,304 visitors who viewed an average of 5.25 pages. On average they spend about two and a half minutes on my site. 45% of those visitors were new visitors.

How do visitors get to my site? 52% type the address in or have it bookmarked. 20% come from Google searches, 6% from Yahoo! searches, 4% from MSN/Live searches, 2% from Google Image searches, and the rest from a variety of other places.

Feedburner tells me I have 11 subscribers to my RSS feed, on average.

What does all of this tell me? A lot of people come to visit often, have a quick look, and leave. This is not surprising to me, as I expect a lot of those visitors are people who come to look at this blog, see the new stuff, and go somewhere else on the Internet.

All I can say is: I'm glad you're reading. Welcome. And feel free to comment on anything you've read or would like to see.

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  1. I've been coming here pretty regular to check up on what's new with NB railroading, and to see your timetables and info for the Shogomoc sub.

  2. Glad to hear from you, Kris! I wish I had been interested in trains back when the Shogomoc was still in operation.

  3. No problem. I live here in Freddy myself but grew up in Woodstock, which is why I have an interest in that piece of trackage.

    My model railway, currently a-building, depicts the Shogomoc (CP) and Centreville (CN) subs circa 1978-1980.


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