Sunday, September 09, 2007

An odd visitor to Halifax

Local railfans noted the arrival of IRSI's RDC 6202 to Halifax Friday in the middle of CN train 148. It was in Halifax for CN's Safety Days on Saturday. It took CN and VIA employees and family on a number of round trips between the Halifax Intermodal Terminal and Rockingham (not a great distance).


  1. Good morning Steve. I'm not sure if you are aware yet or not but the station in McAdam is hosting the retired railroaders get together on Sat. Sept 15th. There will be a very large crowd of them but more importantly for railfanners will be the equipment. From what I have heard NB Southern is sending the excursion train and CP Rail is sending equipment, possible steam from the museum in Delson. When I hear more I'mm let you know and if you do please post a note for all of us. Thanks, Jody in McAdam

  2. Hey now. I'll be down for that.


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