Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Another perspective of the trip to Halifax

Kevin G took VIA 14 to Halifax on November 17, and put the videos on YouTube.

First, here's VIA 14 (the Ocean) arriving at Moncton with 6413 and 6426.

This one shows them leaving Sackville, at Amherst, and meeting CN 407 at Oxford Junction (at 06:15 in the video).

This one shows the arrival in the Halifax area, including Folly Mountain, Windsor Junction, Rockingham Yard and the Halifax Ocean Terminal.

Finally, the last minute or so of his trip, including a walk up to the head end diesels 6413 and 6426.

Looks like you had a good trip, Kevin!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you also see the video of the Model train show at Dartmouth?


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