Saturday, July 05, 2008

VIA Damaged in Halifax

While being turned at Halifax Ocean Terminals (HOT) in the evening of July 3, the Ocean collided with CN 121's engines. It appears that four cars of the Renaissance trainset are damaged, most critically the baggage car. Since the baggage car provides the North American coupler to attach to the engines, none of the Renaissance cars can be used. No cars were derailed.

By 0830 in the morning of July 4, all the VIA equipment was at the station with the first five cars on the track closest to the Superstore and the others on one of the station tracks. I have to assume that some kind of chain was used so the engines could pull the rest of the cars.

So far passengers between Halifax and Moncton are being bussed, with the Ocean being turned at Moncton. 5 busses took passengers from Moncton to Halifax on July 4: 4 with 191 passengers to Halifax and 1 for local stops between Moncton and Halifax.

This morning's (July 5) VIA 614 had a Renaissance baggage car behind the Park car. Bill Linley reports VIA 6400 left Moncton at 17:15 for Halifax with the baggage car, and it should be arriving in Halifax about now.

Thanks to Geoff Doane and "icle_mlr" for all of the reports from Halifax.

VIA 15 in happier days in Halifax, 2006/11/04

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