Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 17 at Chaplin, Saskatchewan

I heard trains running all night long while I was trying to sleep. I'm not complaining... I laid awake between 6 and 7 AM listening to a steady parade of trains going by, before I dragged my butt out of bed and got dressed. I went trackside shortly after 7 AM expecting to see more trains, yet nothing came. I resolved to stick it out, and at 08:13 I was rewarded with an eastbound coal unit train with CEFX 1032 and CP 9515 pulling and CP 9774 pushing 123 cars.

Later, I heard a train slowing to a stop. It turned out to be westbound CP 5987? and 5717 holding the main for a meet at 10:43. Shortly thereafter, they were overtaken by a westbound container train with CP 9564 leading and CP 8538 mid-train. The train had 19 autoracks and 39 platforms. As you can see, I was on the "bad side" of the light.

Afterward, I heard one of the crews saying there was someone on the elevator track taking pictures. :)

While we were out riding horses, an eastbound came into town and met the local working the salt mine. The local had a pair of GP38s as far as I could see.

At 15:46 I shot an eastbound container train with Olympic unit CP 8872 on the head end with CP 9565?, and CP 8846 pushing.

For my final train at Chaplin, I saw a westbound grain train at 16:38 with CP 8836 and CP 8518 pulling precisely 100 cars. This was one of my favourites from Chaplin.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how you heard them talking about you, Again same thing happened to me last winter at Dalhousie Jct, I heard an opperator telling the Hi Rail driver, "Smile your on camera! I seen him there everyday this week!" And you can hear the two of them laughing over the radio. So I waved to them laughing my self.


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