Wednesday, February 04, 2009

NB Southern Sighting

I was traveling north through Welsford this afternoon at 15:15. I remarked to the driver of the vehicle that the NB Southern train normally comes through Welsford around this time, when we saw the highway crossing lights turn on behind us. NBSR 9802 East came rolling through with 2317 helping pull a long train through the snow. The train had a lot of empty centerbeam flats on it.

It would have made a nice photo at the crossing with the train plowing through the new snow. Oh well, sometimes it's just nice to watch.


  1. Steve,

    I've observed at least four Eastbounds in the last 30 days or so, with several large blocks of empty centerbeam flats. Are not these cars used to haul gypsum wallboard from Irving's new plant in East St. John ?

    I believe this product is primarily shipped to a warehouse in Ayer, Mass.

  2. Brian, yes, the centerbeam flats are used to haul the wallboard down to Maine. As you can see from today's posts, I saw them shunting the wallboard plant on Thursday.


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