Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Train to Calais

On Friday October 9 the first train went (back) to Calais, Maine to service the Domtar plant in Woodland. NBSR 2612 was left there to do the switching.

I suggested that NBSR 3703 would be going down to switch the plant. That rumour is true; however 3703 is not ready yet. She had her cab taken apart two and a half years ago, and then lay dormant in Island Yard in Saint John. It should be painted this weekend and be restored to service in a week or two after that.

This was the first train in Calais since the last train left on May 1, 2009. It's good to see rail service return to the town.


  1. Today's (Saturday) eastbound had nine more loads set off in McAdam for Woodland. Spoke with the car checker (Bob) and he said a pan am crew would be working the nb southern engine stationed there. They are running south again on Monday.

  2. Thanks Jody. I too had heard that a Pan Am crew would be working the Woodland job.


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