Sunday, May 02, 2010


Safety and a willingness to obey the rules are of the first importance in the
performance of duty. If in doubt, the safe course must be taken.
- CROR introduction

The Canadian Rail Operating Rules are the set of operating rules used for all Canadian railroads. These rules provide the basis for all railway operations in Canada, and include such items as track clearances, CTC, switches, signals, engine bells, and on and on. The May 2008 version is 107 pages long.

I and a number of other Prairie Dog Central volunteers completed our rules training today, after two full days of study and testing. I plan to volunteer a fair bit at the PDC this year, after a few stints last year, and this rules card allows me to begin my training on the engines.


  1. Thanks for the link to the CROR! I'm going to read it, even if I don't expect to be near any equipment in the near future. :)

  2. Hi

    I completed my CROR training last Spring and during the course I was having some initial problems with learning signals. Being a train and computer "nerd" I wrote an app to help (it made a huge difference).

    I was wondering if you'd include a link to my app from your site?

    It's at

    Rob Chandler
    Thunder Bay, Ont


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