Friday, December 10, 2010

CBC Article on NBRRR

I see there is a CBC article on the cancellation of the New Brunswick Recreational Rail Riders' lease on the track near Nackawic. I wrote about this on Wednesday.

Danny Dineen is interviewed in the story and blames the cancellation on partisan politics and a local businessman wanting the contract to remove the rails.

More to come...


  1. Steve, Well the work so far has paid off. There has been an apology from Mr. Northrup. And there is also a meeting between the NBRRR and the Minister on Dec 17th. Things are starting to look good!!

  2. Look good? Are you sure? I may dare to say it's open to something positive but looking good is stretching it in my mind.

  3. Tim, The minister said he didn't realize people were so passionate about the rail line. Also that he would stay as long as it would take to make the group happy at the upcoming meeting. Those are pretty positive in my mind. See what happens at the meeting. I'm hoping to make it there.

  4. Hi and yes i wish that they would leave it alone ,the government its not costing them nothing and why not let the lease run for a few years more ,that will make the government more popular in the citizens minds .

  5. Hello,

    Just heard about the back room deal to end the lease of the NBRRR and tear up
    the railway lines from Nackawic to Millville.

    I googled rail riders and listened to CBC's Terry Seguay interview with Bruce
    Northrup ( minister of Natural Resources )--- trying to use the excuse of a
    future connection to the trail system????

    I am familiar with the location of this rail line & am doubtfull it would ever
    be connected to the trail system.

    I feel that it would be better served to leave the rails & maybe have people
    experience the beauty of nature combined with a piece of History- the rail

    I also see on that the 9.5 miles in question crosses a Beaver

    Has anyone thought of seeking a court injunction against the Province tendering
    the removal of this section of track pending a FULL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
    ASSESSMENT on the Beaver's Habitat???

    Several years ago, a company from Nackawic, who were doing track removal
    between Minto to Fredericton and the answer to beaver dams was to use
    "SASKWATCH" ( a huge Clark Ranger Skidder ) to plow through them.

    Does not sound Environmentaly Friendly to the Great Canadian Beaver now does

    Let me know your thought's.

    Admirer of rail & canadian beaver


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