Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hudson Bay Railway In Town

I'm late posting about this, but better late than never, right? Am I right?

I did a bit of Christmas shopping on December 7 and I ended up downtown at the Forks in Winnipeg. I took a few photos for my Google+ account, and while I was doing that, I heard the rumble of a freight train. CN 2583 led an eastbound freight over the Red River and I shot it against the sun.
CN 2583 in Winnipeg
Not my best work! The light was very challenging, to say the least. CN 8800 was the trailing unit.

After that, I headed toward Symington Yard. I had heard that a Hudson Bay Railway engine was parked by the shops, and I did see it on the night of the CP Holiday Train. I took a few photos then but they were not good.

This time, the light was much better and I captured the engines from the side of Lagimodiere Boulevard with my 75-300mm lens.
HBRY 2506 and HLCX 3815 and HLCX 3841 in Winnipeg

The three are HBRY 2506, HLCX 3815 and HLCX 3841. The last two are from Helm Financial and are clearly of Southern Pacific lineage, by the colour scheme.

Here's a closeup of HBRY 2506, lettered for the Central Kansas Railway. It's a GP20.
HBRY 2506 in Winnipeg

I don't get the logic of showing "HBR" and "Central Kansas Railway" together... maybe Omnitrax knows the reason why. The Central Kansas Railway is defunct and the line was purchased by Watco.

While I was shooting those, who should show up but CN 2583 again, running around Symington Yard on the loop track with CN 8800.
CN 2583 in Winnipeg

The Hudson Bay units are gone now, so I was glad to capture them when I could.

1 comment:

  1. I saw OMLX 9570 and Hudson Bay, OMLX 4201 on a CN train today. On the same train was GMD1, CN 1419, patched CN 2031, and CN 4790. Very weird lashup.


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