Monday, November 03, 2014

2015 Train Calendars

I have a 2015 train calendar for sale on now. I offered a calendar last year and it was well received, so it's time to do it again!

This year I am offering two sizes of calendars:
Until the end of November 13, you can use code 25CAL in the checkout to save 25%. With shipping and taxes, you can get the smaller calendar delivered within Canada for $22.03 using that code.

You can visit my new store or go direct to Lulu via the links above.

For a comparison of the sizes, see this photo. That's the 2014 calendar on the left (the premium calendar) and a Manitoba Pool Elevator calendar (showing the 8.5 x 11" format) on the right. The smaller calendar will be spiral bound, not stapled like the Pool calendar was.

Thank you for your interest... and stay tuned for a grain elevator calendar to be released in a few days! If you can't wait, why not check out Jim A. Pearson's grain elevator calendar or Jason Paul Sailer's Prairie Scenes calendar?


  1. I just ordered mine up. What a bargain, less than $24 for the large calendar shipped. Thanks for setting this up Steve!

  2. Thanks for the order, Karl! I agree, that 25% off makes a big difference.


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