CN 305's power, 2645, 5616 and 2451?? sat in the yard all morning. They were still there at noon. CN 7000 was running light in the west end of the yard.
I noticed the transformer that has graced the yard forever has moved to behind Crosby's Molasses. Surely someone is missing that...
At 12:40 I noticed NBSR 370x (one of the SW1200s) and a CN GP9 behind the Moosehead facility with a couple of boxcars. NBSR 2319 was working the west end of the Dever Road yard and I snapped a few quick shots.

On my way home, I noticed some fresh ballast around mile 16-17 (Sagwa) that has not yet been profiled.
In Fredericton Junction, NBSR 403383 is starting to look very run-down. Compare the top photo (taken yesterday) to the bottom photo from this page.

Speaking of run-down, the Fredericton Junction station is definitely being hit hard by vandals. I saw broken windows in the station the last time I was through, and now they are boarded up.