A westbound freight was passing through Harvey when we arrived at 11:26. We beat it to McAdam and got there well ahead of the train. While waiting, I talked with Bob Nason, who works for NB Southern and is also on the McAdam station committee. The train arrived at 12:00 precisely. It was led by HLCX 3669, NBSR 2319 and NBSR 2318, with about 38 cars (2 hoppers, 7 lumber loads, 9 tank cars, 5 boxcars, and about 15 flatcars with 11 Sunbury trailers and 2 rental trailers).

They left part of the train on the north track, then backed up to drop off 2 cars and pick up about 6 shiny new MMA centerbeam flats (including MMA 35642). We went up in the cab of 3669 for a couple of minutes with the new crew.

They headed off at 12:26. We chased them to the border, catching them at 12:53, 13:03 and 13:06 when they stopped on the border for a very quick conversation with Customs over the radio. At 12:53:

On the border:

We returned to McAdam for lunch, then found NBSR 9801 working the yard. We left at 14:30.

9801's trucks need a bit of paint:

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