Saturday, October 06, 2007

Fredericton Station

Peter Gough suggested I should post about the Fredericton railway station next after my posts on the Kedgwick and St. Quentin stations. Great idea!

July 10, 2002:

December 11, 2002:

A few people penetrated the building and took a bunch of photographs in January 2005. No, I was not one of them. Guess what this is?

That's the second floor, as viewed from below. Basically there is no second floor any more.

I don't have any recent photos of the station because I haven't the heart to photograph it any more.

I heard yesterday that there were two large holes in the fence around the station, and three doors were unlocked and open. I haven't gone to look at it but I have seen photos from today and they make me very sad.

The basement has had standing water in it for years, and things are very bad inside.

I'll have to post some photos of the Aroostook station so you can see an abandoned station that has some life left in it. I'm afraid the Fredericton station is doomed and is just waiting to die. It is very, very sad.


Anonymous said...

I'm originaly from St-Quentin.
The photos must be outdated as there was a recent upgrade to the train Station and it is now a tourist attraction.

Thanks and great web site.

Steve Boyko said...

Hi Pierre and welcome. I think you mixed my two posts up. This post is for the decrepit Fredericton station. My previous post was for the St. Quentin station, which as you say has been rebuilt and is a great tourist attraction.