David Morris and I had a chance to stop at the replica St. Quentin station back in August. This is a beautiful structure, built to replace the original. ACOA invested just over $600,000 in this structure.

It has a number of tenants in it, including the Chamber of Commerce, Le Festival Western, the local MLA (Percy Mockler), and the visitor information center.

They have a little room set aside as an interpretation center, as well as a few display cases of railway memorabilia.

The interior is very well done.

You can see my Kedgwick station post for information on the railway line that used to run through there. Back when it was the CN St. Quentin sub, St. Quentin itself was mile 65.07 and had a 13-car siding and had 28 cars of "other" trackage. There is still a large railway warehouse beside the station.
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