Continuing my "All things NB Southern" streak, Danny McCracken reports that the annual NB Southern UNICEF train will run on Friday September 24 between McAdam and St. Stephen. The train will depart McAdam at 11 AM, arrive at the Ganong's siding in St. Stephen at 2 PM, and return to McAdam by 5 PM. St. Croix Courier Article
Tickets are $50 each (return) and you can (should) bring your own food and beverages. For tickets call 466-6854 or 466-4557. "Watch out for the Waweig River Gang as they may be planning to hold up the train." There is a dinner afterward at the station for an additional $15.
The photo above is Brian Barchard's, showing the 2006 UNICEF train.
Speaking of McAdam, the McAdam Historical Restoration Commission is holding a fundraiser every Sunday afternoon in September at the station's lunch counter. They are serving railroad pie and coffee from 1 PM to 4 PM, at a cost of $5.50/person for a slab of homemade pie and a refreshment. All proceeds go towards the station restoration - no reservations required. For more information call 784-1400.
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