I went to Wilkes Avenue just east of Kenaston Boulevard and parked to wait. I saw a train coming from the east, and readied to shoot it, only to see it was BNSF returning to their yard. Soon after, a CN MOW vehicle came onto the south track from the industrial spur and headed east. It met the Canadian, which was heading west on the north track.
As I readied my camera to shoot, I saw that a refurbished engine was leading (!) and there was something interesting behind the engines...

Refurbished VIA 6433 was leading 6404... with a deadhead Skyline dome AND VIA 1722.
I have no idea why 1722 was on the train. You may recall that the three ex-Whistler Northwind cars are used on the Canadian between Vancouver and Edmonton. I assume 1722 was in Toronto for servicing and was being sent back west.

It was a nice catch.
I was reading some photography tips recently, and one suggestion they had was to bump up the exposure an F-stop or so when shooting in the snow. The blinding white snow fools the camera sensor into making everything too dark. I tried that with these shots and I'm pleased with the results.
Soon after VIA passed, CP ran a grain train south on the La Riviere subdivision across the CN-CP diamond at St. James. I shot CP 8737 trundling along with its train, just south of the diamond.

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