Eric Gagnon, author of the excellent Trackside Treasure blog, has published a book, Trackside With VIA: The First 35 Years. The book details many of the interesting VIA Rail consists he has seen over the years, with photos and commentary. The book is self-published and available via this order form. The cost is $25 and shipping is free within Canada.
I've placed my order!
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your kind comments about my book and for posting it and the order form on Confessions.
I was going to send you a release, but since you're such a prolific and proactive poster, now I don't have to.
Also, thanks again for your order. Just to add, my printer noted that the book is self-published but professionally-printed. I'd originally thought of spiral binding it at Staples. Yecch - the printed product is far superior in appearance, with satin stock fine paper.
I'm glad you went with a professional printer. I think the Staples version would have turned a lot of people off.
Stay tuned for a review. ;)
That would be great, Steve. I'd like to hear the perceptions of my book - the unbiased, unvarnished truth from a fellow Canadian railfan.
Staples wouldn't have cost significantly less per copy, either.
Second batch of books being printed.
If the review is good, I'll be featuring it on my blog. If the review is bad, I'll be featuring it on my blog. (No, this isn't a typo)
Thanks for your assistance,
Don't worry, I'll be honest. :)
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