Sunday, October 02, 2011

Cameron King Exhibit in McAdam

The McAdam railway station will host a display of fifteen of the late Cameron King's watercolours on Saturday, October 15 and Sunday, October 16. Mr. King was well known for his highly-detailed, technically accurate depictions of railway scenes as well as his detailed "elevation" paintings of railway equipment.

I met the late Mr. King once. I happened to be in the Centennial Building in Fredericton and he had a display in the lobby. I'm embarrassed to say that it did not go very well. I remember him asking me if I was interested in any of his paintings, and I made a thoughtless comment on how expensive they were. I recall he was a bit offended by that, rightfully so, as he was charging a fair price for his work.

According to Dave McInroy, Mr. King "produced 219 paintings between 1973 and 1997. This total includes the 55 Elevation paintings which were acquired by the Canada Science and Technology Museum, and 64 Perspective paintings. The balance of his paintings were of New Brunswick landscapes and a few automotive subjects."

If you're around, go check it out!


Unknown said...

I have in my possession, two wonderfull reproductions from drawings (from cam king 1974)
series 103 c.n.r. model 5559
and series 100 c.p.r. model 2901.
do you know who be interested by these full drawing.
and so many others booklet from William Henry Newton...

Steve Boyko said...

Hi Julie, hopefully someone will see your comment and email you! Otherwise you could try eBay or Kijiji.

Unknown said...

Steve, just come across this on a search. I have a few of his detailed side profile drawings. My grandfather was his cousin, I think. I've had them in storage for a while and trying to work out how to sell. They never seem to come up on UK eBay (where I live). Just wondered if you knew of any collectors who may be interested? Many thanks, Jack

Steve Boyko said...

Hello Jack, I'm not sure where beyond eBay you could list them... there are some collectible groups on Facebook. I'll ask on one of those.