I had intelligence that the train was due to arrive in McAdam at or shortly after noon. I left my house at 11:27 (late) and as I entered McAdam I heard an EOT squawk on the scanner. I crested the hill in McAdam and saw a train rolling east through the highway 4 crossing at 12:27. Drat!!!!
I turned around and headed back to Harvey. I arrived there after about 20 minutes and decided to set up east of the highway crossing. My kids jumped around in the back of the van while I listened to the sound of the train's horns echo in the distance. At 12:58 NBSR 9802 East rolled through the crossing with 9802, 2319, 2317 and 2610 pulling a fairly long train.

Within a few minutes, they were gone, and then we finally had our lunch.
Hi Steve,
I missed seeing Saturday's Eastbound, just by a few minutes, as to your posted time with your photo.
Ironically enough, I was playing in a curling bonspiel at the Harvey Curling Club.....the roof is visible just beyond the view from the rear of the train.
An Eastbound passed through Harvey early Saturday at 1:37 am, 4 units and 69 cars, followed by the self propelled plough unit a short time after.
Hi Brian, if I had known you were there, I would have come over. :)
What is the big light green building behind the units in the first picture? It looks like it might have been a hotel at one point.
Presently, that is an apartment buiding. I will check to see if that structure was a hotel at one time.......I agree, it certainly does look like a hotel.
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