The hotbox at mile 10 warned of their impending arrival. I hopped out of the car and crossed the frozen snow to wait for the sound of the horn blasts and the first sign of the headlights. Soon enough, VIA 1 rolled into view.

VIA 6458 led two RMX cars, followed by VIA 6428 and the usual 9 car winter Canadian consist.
Those repainted Rocky Mountaineer cars sure look pretty!

I like how the white "swoops" on the sides of the cars match up. Imagine a whole train of these!
Very quickly, VIA 1 was gone and on to Diamond and beyond.

Would you happen to know why the R-M cars are between the 2 locos?
Yes. RM cars have only one HEP (Head End Power) circuit while VIA has two. In order to supply two HEP circuits to the rest of the train, one VIA locomotive must be behind the RM cars.
The other option is to put the RM cars on the end, but that blocks the view from the Park car.
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