CP 1553 and CP 5863 were shunting. I've seen GP9 1553 before, but SD40-2 CP 5863 was new to me. SD40-2 units are still fairly common on CP, but what makes 5863 interesting is that it is one of the only two CP units remaining with a full size multimark.

Other interesting units were CP/SOO 6023 (in white) and "red barn" SD40-2F CP 9002. I saw leased CEFX 3125 moving around, and there was another (bigger) leased unit there but I could not get the number.
I did see some interesting graffiti on NAHX 57283.

I'm torn about graffiti on train cars. Obviously I think it's wrong because it's vandalism. However, some graffiti is very artistic and I think this is a good example of that. These days it is hard to find a train car without some form of graffiti on it.
How you feel about graffiti on train cars?
While I agree that some of it is quite talented, you are right that it is someone else's property, and unfortunately, for every design showing promise, there's another that's a crude word that your family gets to watch roll by.
P.S. I didn't ask...did you get my pictures?
I saw CP 5863 in Winnipeg Yard today.
Cool... I didn't see it a few days ago when I was there.
It, and CP 6000 were doing some shunting. If you want, I have a video of it, taken from Route 62.
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