First up was VIA 693 aka the Hudson Bay on Tuesday. We have some pretty nice autumn colours this year, and you can see them as VIA 6452 approached Shaftesbury Boulevard on its way out of town.

There was a brush fire a bit south of the tracks and the VIA crew were warned about the lack of visibility. The fire had been burning for a few days and Tuesday's high winds were not helping.

Fast forward to Thursday noon and it was snowing! The whole day was miserable with mixed snow and rain. I only shot the Canadian because I had to go out for an errand.

What a difference two days made.

Epilogue: The Grey Cup train was in Portage la Prairie today and hopefully the weather was a bit nicer there. John at the CP Rail Manitoba and Minnesota Sub blog caught the train in Minnedosa, and I plan on seeing it Saturday morning.
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