I've been trying to nail down when CN 6765 was repainted into VIA colours, and also when it lost the CN on the nose and gained the VIA. I'm slowly narrowing it down.
- 1972/06/13 - CN black and white stripes with red nose
- 1976/07/24 - CN black and white stripes with red nose
- 1977/01/26 - VIA blue and yellow with red CN on yellow nose
- 1979/11/20 - VIA blue and yellow with red CN on yellow nose
- 1980/04/27 - VIA blue and yellow with red VIA on yellow nose
- 1981/07 - VIA blue and yellow with yellow nose
- 1988/10/16 - VIA blue and yellow with yellow nose
- 2001/08/30 - CN green and gold
- 2005 - CN green and gold
EDIT2: I found a reference to VIA 6765 on Railpictures.ca where it says 6765 had a yellow pilot in November 1976. See the comment to this photo. There's also a reference here that says 6765 was the last FPA4 in green and gold, in 1965.
At the very least I can help you with the location... that is just west of Toronto Union Station going over Simcoe Street!
Here's another CN locomotive in the same location, Steve, slightly different angle:
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