Wednesday, February 01, 2006

NBEC sightings, 2004/01/28

That's right, January 28 2004. I thought I'd write about a few old sightings for a change.

I passed through Miramichi at about noon on the 28th and saw NBEC 403 pulling up to the crew shack. The power was CFMG 6902, NBEC 4214, NBEC 4210, and CFMG 6909. The rumbling as the engines passed me was quite impressive, as you can hear in this video.

NBEC 1821 and 1814 were idling in the yard as train 578. CFMG 6903 was idling away.

NBEC 1821 and 1814

When I passed through again around 15:00 train 403 was gone, and CFMG 6903 was making up its train to take to Moncton.

CFMG 6903

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