Monday, January 14, 2008


Depending on how you got here, you may notice the new domain name -

Since I use traingeek as my handle in a lot of places, I figured I would get the domain name and migrate to it over time. I was going to buy but someone just renewed it, so I went Canadian and got Since someone gave me a referral for their domain name registration, I got it for free from Sibername.

This blog feed stays the same, since it comes from Feedburner.

Please let me know if you experience any problems!


Anonymous said...

Hey Steve. Just thought you might be interested to know that CN 7000 was the power on the south freight to St Stephen today and remains in McAdam. It must have come up from Saint John last night. Also Guilford engine 317 is in the hill yard waiting to go to Woodland It came in on the east bound today. An NB southern yard without any NB southern power in sight! Jody

Steve Boyko said...

Thanks, Jody. Gary posted some photos of both of those units but I wasn't sure if 7000 was in McAdam by his photo.

I wonder where the NBSR power is? ;)