Some Maine railfans were on the scene in the morning and saw Maine Central engine 321, snowplough MEC 73 and a few empty boxcars on the international bridge between Maine and New Brunswick. I understand the NB Southern "south job" was supposed to head down in the morning. However, I found out from McAdam that NBSR 2319 had been sent to Fredericton Junction in the morning to fetch a car, before heading down to Saint Stephen. They didn't leave McAdam until 11 AM.
My father-in-law, my two sons and I left Fredericton around 14:00 and headed down toward McAdam and Saint Stephen. I placed a quick call to one of the Maine railfans and found they were not leaving any time soon. I drove down to Saint Stephen and arrived at the Milltown border crossing at 15:30. There was a long string of cars, snowplough MEC 73, and NBSR 2319 and MEC 321.
The NB Southern crew were using MEC 321 to shunt a few boxcars.
I was told that NBSR 2319 was not working well, so it was good that MEC 321 was available to run! The conductor told me that they were going to shunt the flakeboard plant then head up the road to McAdam. They had to book off by 18:00 so it was questionable whether they would make it on time.
Here are the railfans!

They marshalled the train and the two engines pushed up to the flakeboard plant, with NBSR 434919 leading. Here's a video I took as they entered the plant.
I had to head back to Fredericton, so I grabbed one last shot of the train before heading up the road.

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