I was sent a few links to interesting to web sites that I would like to share with you.
The first is Rod's Graphic Railway Timeline. This is a neat idea. He has set up a database of railway locations and routes, together with the times that these railway routes existed. Together they make railway maps of areas throughout history. You can click on different years to see what track existed at that time.
At present it looks like he has Ontario and New Brunswick locations loaded in his database. Check it out
The second site to share is The Trainspotter Guide written by Tripbase. The title says it all, it's a guide to railfanning from a UK perspective. The article is pretty well-written and goes into detail about what a trainspotter does. It is careful to distinguish between a trainspotter (who has a narrow focus on assembling sightings of all of a particular loco class, for example) and a railfan (who is more general).
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