First up was CN 801, however, with CN 8011 as the sole engine. 8011 on 801... quite a coincidence.

After that went by, we waited... and waited... and waited for the Canadian. Finally we heard that it had a mechanical problem and was stopped. In the meantime, we saw the CEMR train in the distance starting down the Carman subdivision.
The Canadian did show up, quite late.

VIA 6412 and 6427 were pulling 19 cars under the lovely sky.
Immediately afterward, CN 108 came the other way with CN 2673 and 8825 and a mile or two of containers. The problem with the mile 10 location is that you are too close to the tracks for eastbounds to shoot the whole train... too much stuff in the way. So, a closeup of the engine was in order.

We went our separate ways after that. I went south, just in time to catch CEMR crossing the Perimeter Highway at Oak Bluff. CEMR 4000 and CCGX 4010 were bringing a portion of their train to switch Oak Bluff.

Nice sun, eh?

It was nice to get out and take some shots on this beautiful day. Today's sightings
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