The consist was CN 5251 with DRS units 66421 to 66427 as well as SNTF units 060DS01, 060DR09, and 060DR13-16 with a few spacer flat cars.

A "5 pack" of containers derailed at the Port of Saint John Monday and tore up some track. The track remained blocked Tuesday night, with three NB Southern locomotives trapped behind the damage. CN sent a rare train 594 down the Sussex sub Sunday morning, I'm told to get some late containers including the blocked ones. It had CN 9574 with 20 container cars and 14 tank cars.
FREDfm reports that a train hit a truck "just outside Bathurst" yesterday (Tuesday). Fortunately, the 51-year-old driver had minor injuries. "RCMP say the man failed to look both ways when he attempted to cross the tracks".
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