I caught up with the head end at the end of Rothesay Avenue, by Highway 1. I crossed under the green CN bridge just before CN 5743 did. I was able to get ahead of it enough to get to the overpass a few kilometres down the road, park and sprint back to grab this shot.
The trailing engine was CN 2612.
Afterward, I continued down into Rothesay. I had my windows down so I could hear the engines working to bring 406 up to speed... sweet, sweet music. The traffic was fairly slow but fortunately there are no stop signs or stop lights along the way. As I turned toward the tracks near the old Rothesay station, I could hear the train blowing for crossings... it had caught up to me! Quickly I drove past the station and parked, leaving the car running while I sprinted across the crossing to set up for the approaching train. I had enough time to get the camera out, change lenses, and start shooting as they passed the old Rothesay station.
I had to do a fair amount of post-processing in Digital Photo Professional to get this photo to work, as it was getting fairly dark and there were a lot of shadows. Still, I think it worked out OK.
CN 5743 is an old friend. I saw it on train 314 last July and you can see it in this video. Back in 2006 it was the 3rd unit on train 307 just outside Amherst, Nova Scotia.
I've seen CN 2612 once before, in Island Yard in Saint John on June 22, 2001. I'm not sure I have a photo of it from that time.
The only other time I've shot a train in Rothesay was on February 25, 2007 when I shot CN 5617 leading train 305. There's a video too.

The trees have grown a bit in the last 4 years. Besides the snow and lack of leaves, do you notice one other difference between the two station photos?
Canadian Flag hanging from the old station. Nice catch!
Picket fence on this side is missing now and there are power/phone lines strung across the track. (Fun game! :-) Who or what is in the train station now? Is it a private residence? A cousin and his family live across the street behind the station. Lucky!
I think they're apartment buildings. When the girlfriend and I were moving, I was inquiring about the building, and well, was quickly shot down by the "better half" as a place to live. Guess she doesn't like trains as much as I do ;)
Mike, good calls! The wire was there in the winter photo... just Photoshopped out. :)
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