Many of you know the sad state of the former Canadian Pacific Railway station in Fredericton. Heritage Canada listed it amongst the 10 most endangered heritage buildings in Canada. Web site InFredericton describes it as the dilapidated remains of a once vibrant building. This unique structure deserves to be preserved.
The Fredericton Friends of the Railway have been trying to get it refurbished, but they have run into a number of roadblocks. Now, Tim Scammel has produced an online petition as a call to action for the three levels of government to get involved and save this valuable property before it is gone forever. Witness the recent destruction of the Kentville roundhouse, which was the last roundhouse in Nova Scotia. Get on board!
Sign the petition
Hey there Steve. I signed the petition but with a bit of reservation I might add. I know what's going to happen....at some point soon all levels of government are going to kick in literally millions of dollars to "save" the station and make a big political event. Meanwhile we have been busting our butts here in McAdam for more years than I would like to point out to do something with a true treasure...our station. We were given a nice sum not long ago by our MP Greg Thompson but so much more is needed. Unfortunately we live in a small town without much political clout.
I hear you. Everyone at McAdam has been doing a fantastic job and they deserve far more praise than they have been getting.
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