Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A new Youtuber

There's a new person posting Maritime videos on YouTube, trainboy1979. Here's what he has posted so far.

This is a recent video of NBEC 403 near Beresford, NB. The power was a very clean CFMG 6907, NBEC 1851, NBEC 1819, and CFQC 3000. The train had the usual collection of boxcars, tank cars, loaded Chaleur Paper cars, chip cars, Ultramar ram, and CN covered gondolas. Very nice light in this video.

Here's a side shot of VIA 14, from across a road. There is no date, but it can't be too recent because there is no Park car on the tail end of the Renaissance consist, and very few leaves in the trees.

Finally, we go out of province to Nova Scotia for a CB&CNS train leaving Port Hawkesbury on July 15, 2008.

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