It has been reported that NB Southern Railway engine 2317 has been sent to Canadian Allied Diesel (CAD) in Lachine, Quebec for repairs.
Dave Dineen shot a westbound NBSR freight on December 28 with NBSR 2317 as the last engine in the consist.
The train had NBSR 2318, slug 008, 2319, 9803 and 2317 with 53 cars.
Someone near Sherbrooke, Quebec noted an NBSR unit on MMA train 1 on Wednesday, December 30, so that was probably 2317.
Word is that it "threw a rod or two" and is going to get another prime mover and new trucks.
I love riding trains. However, it is obviously your passion! I wonder what it is about trains that has you hooked?
Hi Laura-Jane, I love your blog. It is pretty unique, which is saying a lot for the Internet.
I'm not sure what exactly about trains has me hooked. I didn't grow up with trains, nor did a close relative work with trains. I just like the power and the speed of them.
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