I decided to go up on the 50th Street overpass over Ogden Road (here) and see how the view was from there. You can only face south from there since the Deerfoot Trail is in the way to the north, and there's no walkway on the north side anyway.
Unfortunately there are some wires in the way to the south, but I did what I could to get around them. CP 6058 and 5853 were doing some shunting in Alyth Yard and they stuck out quite a way on the yard lead. While I filmed them, a potash train arrived from the south with CP 9529 and 9614 on the head end, CP 9597 in the middle and CP 9682 pushing on the end. Just as they cleared out, CP 9589 and CP 9734 ran light from Alyth to Ogden. Here they are, all in one video.
Once they passed, I headed out to Indus to try to catch some mainline action at speed. I set up at the crossing at the south end of town and soon enough, CP 103 rolled by at 11 AM with CP 8739 and CEFX 1050.
25 minutes later, another north / westbound rolled through. Red SOO 6044 had quite a wimpy horn on it!
CP 9803 was trailing on this train.
I went back to Ogden to see if the Holiday Train would come out. There was no sign of life in the yard so it was clear that nothing was going to happen. I checked out the CN yard but not much was going on there and there was no mainline power around. Back on CP, I saw CP 110 pull up to Ogden to do a crew change. The train had CP 8776 and 9627 on the head end.

That was clearly not THIS CP 8776:

I talked with the conductor for a few minutes before they did a crew change. I then went down the line a few hundred feet to set up the video camera and wait for them to start rolling. I wanted to capture the rumble of the engines bringing the train up to speed.

There was some discussion with the RTC about when they could leave. They had a yellow over red signal (Clear to Stop) indication. Since train 110 was just under 9700 feet long and "over siding" (meaning it would not fit into any sidings) it could not meet any trains en route. The decision was made to allow it to proceed to Shepard (the next siding) and hang out the back of the siding. Presumably the train it was meeting would hold the main between siding switches, and 110 would go around it.
With that decided, the signal indication changed to green over red, and 110 left Calgary.
CP 8747 was mid-train and CP 8767 was on the end.
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