Friday, November 17, 2006

Search Engine Watch

I thought I'd check in again to see how well the search engines were indexing my blog. The results are varied and interesting (to me, at least).

Google has indexed my blog up to the morning of November 10, with this post on the CBC War Brides map. One problem with Google's indexing is
that they generally only point to the main blog page, not the archived posts.

Yahoo is the farthest behind, only indexing up to my November 4 post saying I was going to chase the War Brides train. They also include a bunch of spam pages, which steal content from my web site and others in order to get included in search pages. The worst part is the spam pages get indexed faster than my own! I won't link to them because I don't want to boost their ratings, but I suggest you search for "CN GP9 units in Saint John as yard switchers". My blog post doesn't even come up but the first four entries are spam pages with the first paragraph from this blog post in them. aka Microsoft is totally up to date with the last post of November 13. They also index the individual post pages, which is great. definitely is the most up-to-date and indexes my blog the best.

It's almost enough to make me want to switch to them from Google... almost.

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